Wednesday, August 29, 2007

NEW Video Blogger!

Check out Noah in real Video! Get the latest antics and vocabulary updates! Stay tuned to his blog for his latest picture and now Video Updates!!

Fun in the sand box!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Minnesota Children's Museum

"Nana Tractor" aka Nana Scherger Gave Noah a year pass to the Minnesota Children's Museum. Noah wasted no time in going back there and enjoying the FUN.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Nana and Papa Visit just in time for the Nowthen Threshing show

Nana and Papa Scherger aka "tractor" came up from Ohio to visit Noah. We started off the weekend seeing the Nowthen threshing show, in Nowthen, Minnesota. This is "Umbah" heaven! The show is a step back in time when life was harder, yet more simple....when there wasn't anything better than a tractor that started up on the first try and the taste of chicken and sweet pie in the shade of a tree after a morning of threshing grain.

Noah Enjoys the show!

Nana and Papa had a really good tour guide that showed them the Ins and Outs of his World.

Around every corner was a tractor that needed to be explored and talked about in great detail.

Noah's John Deere Playground!

Noah had a wonderful time!! He got to sit on tractors and Gators. He Got to see every kind John Deere and other lesser tractors. He rode on a trailer for a tractor ride and a train for a train ride with Nana and Papa.

When he had to leave he left with tears in his eyes saying "Bye-Bye John Deere!"

Ford Vs. John Deere

After trying out every John Deere in the Show, Nana finally found a Ford tractor for Noah to try out for a test drive.

"Don't put the throttle past this mark!" she told him...

Bumper Sticker Logic

This says it all!

Both Nana's

Noah was in heaven. Both Nana's got to read to him his New Book!

Read to me book....again

Up and Down the Slide

Watch Me Nana!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Noah the "Precocious" toddler

Noah is "Precocious"....that is what the doctor labeled him today.
"He is as big as a three year old, acts like a three year old......but he is two."

Noah went in for his two year check up. Here are his latest statistics:

Height: 36 and 3/4 95% for height
Weight: 32.3 # 90% for weight.

Noah's developmental testing places him at the 2 year 4 month to the 3 year level of development.

Noah had fun "working" the nurses and the doctor at the clinic. He danced around in his diaper, played with his tummy for the doctor, made silly noises, and explained to the doctor all about the transportation pictures on the wall. He enjoyed his visit to the doctor, until the shot..."Owwweee" and the finger blood test for lead and Hgb.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Vacation to Grand Marais

Packed Up and Ready to Go.

Noah of the North Woods

Noah had a wonderful adventure on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Look at the following pictures and follow along with his adventure.

This Way Dad!

Noah is starting to choose his own path; even when the path seems a bit rocky at times.

Berry Picking!

Noah is his Mother's Son when it comes to berry picking! Once she showed him the ropes there was no stopping him on his hunt for Berries.

Playing with Cars on the Porch.

Hanging out on the beach

The Worlds Best Donuts!

The Worlds Best Donuts are at Grand Marais! Noah got to have his very own each day that he was up there for his "second" breakfast.

Watching Sail Boats with Dad

On a Hike with the Family to Artist Point Noah Got to see Sail Boats and Big Boats!

North Shore Noah

Grandma and Grandpa Harrold Lend a Hand

Noah enjoys his time with his Minnesota Grandma and Grandpa as they also came up for the visit to the North Shore.

What a Party!

Noah Is "TWO"!!

What a Party he had. Noah had about 15 toddler friends as well as their parents and Grandma and Grandpa Harrold. Noah enjoyed his friends and his Dad even let him eat Cake!.....Nummy....Cake.

Birthday Preparations

Noah's Mom and Dad Worked very hard in getting the house and yard ready for his 2nd birthday. The theme of the Birthday was of course "John Deere Tractors". There was John Deere here and there throughout the house. Noah woke up to find Tractors on the walls and Doors as well as Green and Yellow decorations and balloons.

New Neighborhood friends

Noah is having a great time hanging out this summer with some 'New" friends that like to spend time with him. Here he is with Brock and Cassie aka "caulkie".

Broccoli Meister!

Oh Tis the season for fresh Broccoli from the Garden. Dad Planted 9 Plants this year! I could have it every Night for dinner. Yum!

It is a hot one, time to hit the pool with my friends!

Noah got together with his friends at a play pool party. Pass out the sun screen and the sippy cups of milk.