Saturday, January 20, 2007

Now where did I put "Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You?"?

30 inch Northern 30+ inch Noah

Noah continues to grow and grow.
Daddy will have to catch bigger fish if he is to impress Noah.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Good News and not so good

Well, we will start with the bad news first. Shortly after this cute picture was taken by Grandma Harrold who helps take care of Noah on Friday's, he decided to keep mom and dad up all night. The verdict in the morning after visiting the MD was bilateral ear infections, with the right ready to burst. Again! Thankfully he is sleeping again and seems to be on the road to recovery. Ouch! As for the good news, our friend Cassie excelled in Physical Therapy and is now home with her family. Considering she broke two cervical vertebra and was trying to reach in the back seat to make sure Ashlee was OK after the accident, she is lucky to be alive and not paralyzed. I think she views the next months in a Halo as nothing compared to what the outcome could have been. Thank you for everyone's prayers...Cassie and her family were incredibly moved by all the love and support they've received.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Please Pray for Cassie and Ashlee

Noah's friend Ashlee and her mother Cassie were in a terrible car accident Tuesday evening. Ashlee came through without a scratch but Cassie's neck was broken. She was put in a Halo device yesterday and we are waiting today to hear how her movement and walking is going. I'm asking everyone I know to please pray for this family. They have been incredibly blessed that the outcome was not worse, but they have a long road in front of them. We have known these two since Noah was 6 weeks old and attended our first New Parent Connection group at the hospital. Currently we are in a mom's group together that was developed from great connections and friendships we made at the hospital. They are wonderful friends and of course playmates. We will keep you posted on their recovery journey.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Downhill sledding

Noah and his friend Evelyn celebrated the New Year and the new snow by downhill sledding . This was a first for these August born toddlers. The hill was not too big, but we can only imagine how scary it must have looked to them.

Let IT Snow

Food Fight?

Noah decided to have a food fight ........with himself.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

Noah Rang in the new year with a few of his New Friends. It was nice to Party with Ben, Makenzie, and Kendall......Of course he was in bed by 8:00 but he still partied.