Noah, who is starting pre-school Tomorrow has already begun his lessons in another field of Dendrology; that is the study of trees.
Noah likes to look at all types of trees. Pine trees, oak trees but his favorite is that of the Weeping Willow. Seems that there are quite a few in the state as well as one across the street from Nana and Papa Harrold. Daddy remembers spending hours in a weeping willow at his Grandma Dobmeyers farm.
A typical observation goes like this.
"What kind of tree is that Dad? Is that a weeping willow?"
"Yes it is"
"Dad, is it crying?"
"Yes Noah it is crying"
"awww, I am sorry that the tree is crying" Why is the tree crying?"
Noah can spot a weeping willow like he can John Deere Tractors. They seem to be everywhere!
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