Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Noah the "Precocious" toddler

Noah is "Precocious"....that is what the doctor labeled him today.
"He is as big as a three year old, acts like a three year old......but he is two."

Noah went in for his two year check up. Here are his latest statistics:

Height: 36 and 3/4 95% for height
Weight: 32.3 # 90% for weight.

Noah's developmental testing places him at the 2 year 4 month to the 3 year level of development.

Noah had fun "working" the nurses and the doctor at the clinic. He danced around in his diaper, played with his tummy for the doctor, made silly noises, and explained to the doctor all about the transportation pictures on the wall. He enjoyed his visit to the doctor, until the shot..."Owwweee" and the finger blood test for lead and Hgb.

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